Having developed a wide range of skills during my military service means that I am able to work in a range of differing subject areas.
Project management
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Human performance
Change management and implementation
Operations management
Research techniques
Leadership and management
I have designed and delivered media and a number of training solutions for different organisations. To ensure currency, I conduct CPD in these subject areas.
How much does Hypnotherapy cost in Southampton and Hampshire
Please find my list of professional fees for hypnotherapy and coaching.
I am proud of helping my clients to achieve positive changes in their lives.
If you would like to see what my clients have said about me and my hypnotherapy sessions, a selection of their testimonials can be seen below.
* All testimonials have been submitted by my clients who have kindly chosen to endorse our work together. They reflect individual results and, results do vary from person to person, the effectiveness of treatments is unable to be guaranteed.
Q&A with Southampton hypnotherapist, Dr Iain Lightfoot
Interview with Hypnotherapist Dr Iain Lightfoot MSc DHyp MNCH - 22 September 2015 in Southampton
In this interview, Iain talks about his journey into hypnotherapy and how he sees the future of the profession. He also gives great advice about what to look for if you are seeking hypnotherapy.