What are my clients saying?

I am proud of helping my clients to achieve positive changes in their lives.

If you would like to see what my clients have said about me and my hypnotherapy sessions, a selection of their testimonials can be seen below. 

* All testimonials have been submitted by my clients who have kindly chosen to endorse our work together.  They reflect individual results and, results do vary from person to person, the effectiveness of treatments is unable to be guaranteed.


Call 07970 977146 for your FREE - confidential consultation or email me at - [email protected]

Miss M from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss M from The Avenue, Southampton

*My time with Iain has opened my eyes to who I am, what makes me tick, and what my goals in life really are. His skills made it easier for me deal with the changes that were occurring and face the fears that had been hindering me so much in the past.

Mr B from Gosport, Hampshire

Mr B from Gosport, Hampshire

*Iain is probably the most grounded, balanced and disarmingly wise men it has been my privilege to meet. He has helped me through some of the most difficult times I have ever experienced. Thank you Iain.

Miss G from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss G from The Avenue, Southampton

*After just one session with this very experienced and talented Hypnotherapist who one immediately feels safe with - results! I am a new client but know that changes were made in that first session and cannot recommend more highly the integrity and care of Ian Lightfoot.

Mrs W from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs W from The Avenue, Southampton

*Thank you SO much Iain!

I have tried to quit smoking in 4 different occasions and always failed. Literally I thought hypnotherapy was my last resource... and it was!! Less and less cravings, until 2 days ago, I saw someone smoking in the morning and literally my stomach was upset... mind you, I used to smoke almost as soon as I opened my eyes and now I have been without a cigarette for about 2 months. Iain helped me so much that I have no words to thank him. 

Note: To quit smoking is a VERY hard thing to do, it requires to really want to quit and a day by day struggle. What Iain does is a HUGE help but at the end it is up to you if you lit that ciggie or not. It is not a miracle trick. It is a treatment that will help you immensely, but it is not magic. It requires work and will power. 
Please feel free to ask anything about my experience with Iain, I will be more than happy to share my great experience

Miss V from London's Harley Street

Miss V from London's Harley Street

*Iain changed my life

I suffered from insomnia for over 8 years, it reached a point where I wouldn't sleep for weeks on end. Everyday was a struggle, it completely took over my life. I could just about get through a day at the office because I had to, but socialising was pretty much out of the question. Iain was recommended to me, so I booked to see him straight away.

He worked his diary around me and after one session I was sleeping normally. I couldn't believe it, I had tried everything, I could even remain awake after taking a sleeping tablet that's how bad I was. Iain has completely changed my life, I feel fantastic. I've got my life back, my only regret is I didn't find him sooner. If you're thinking of seeing him, do it, you won't be disappointed.

Mr F from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr F from The Avenue, Southampton

*Iain worked with my daughter, who suffers from anxiety. The results were staggering, after the first session she was able to regain control of her everyday life, by the following session some of the very minor daily occurrences that would have normally caused her to panic no longer affected her. My daughter no longer needs the medication prescribed by the doctor and has a renewed positive outlook. I have and will continue to recommend Iain to friends and family. I wish we tried this sooner.

Miss W from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss W from The Avenue, Southampton

*I felt at ease immediately when meeting with Iain. I have been to other hypnotherapists before who were not even half as kind, caring and genuinely empathetic as Iain was. He made me feel completely comfortable before we began the hypnotherapy (which actually achieved results), unlike other hypnotherapy sessions that I have attended previously. Iain then followed up the session by phoning me the following day (as promised) and then again the following week and month.

I have really felt that Iain genuinely cares about his clients and wants to help as best he can. Having said that, as Iain stated to me- there is always an element of will power that has to be included in any hypnotherapy session and you have to want the change in cognitive pattern! All round brilliant hypnotherapist that I would (and have) recommended to friends and family!

Miss C from Fareham, Hampshire

Miss C from Fareham, Hampshire

*My first therapy session with Iain took place a little over a year ago, when following the break down of a long relationship, a move and a new job were beginning to take their toll and affect on my health. During a consultation and with his counsel I was able to overcome the crippling anxiety and stress that kept me home and avoiding work. I was with time able to face people and go out socially. Something that a female in her mid 20's ought to be comfortable doing. I was even content admitting how I felt to my family and friends without fear of judgement.

Iain made me feel at ease discussing such personal matters that have haunted me for most of my life. With the hypnotherapy sessions I have been able to put my anxiety to bed and come to logical informed decisions about past matters. I have never trusted anyone and to place yourself consciously into a position where you're vulnerable is difficult. But Iain has a presence that allows you to trust him and a genuine want to help and support you through. I left feeling confident and in control of my life. Thanks to him, I have the job I wanted and a life that isn't ruled by anxiety.

Mr W from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr W from The Avenue, Southampton

*Working with Iain was a fantastic experience, he was not only incredibly professional but also a wonderfully kind and reassuring presence during the sessions. He really gave me the confidence and self belief to overcome my issues and I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking hypnotherapy. Thank you once again!

Miss C from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss C from The Avenue, Southampton

*Iain successfully worked with me on something I had tried to combat myself without success. Iain was a professional, knowledgeable practitioner but over and above that he was personable and made every effort to ensure he fully understood my issue, did not judge me in anyway and provided a calm and supportive environment in which I was able to address my issue and find a way forward. I have recommended Iain to other friends and family and only wish I had decided to approach Iain sooner.

Mr N from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr N from The Avenue, Southampton

*I just want to say that working with Iain has and continues to be effective and excellent value. Iain is working to re-animate my left hand which had not worked for 5 years since a stroke. This is a ground-breaking use of hypnotherapy with few cases in the literature to suggest it will be successful . Iain has researched the area and while I'm still a work in progress the results ascribed so far have been nothing short of remarkable!

Mr K from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr K from The Avenue, Southampton

*I would confidently recommend Iain for any coaching or hypnotherapy support without hesitation. He is totally committed to his clients and will go the extra mile. His loyalty and integrity are unquestionable and it is evident that he is driven by a desire to help.I do not think it is possible for a coach or hypnotherapist to do more for his clients - and its all done with one aim: To empower you and to unleash your potential. Thank you Iain. You are one in a million.

Miss T from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss T from The Avenue, Southampton

*After years of trying different ways to combat my anxiety I decided that hypnotherapy was my final option before medication. I spent hours researching online, trying to find someone who I believed would be the right hypnotherapist for me and I am so glad I messaged Iain.
The session itself lasted two hours. Iain made me feel relaxed, asking questions to get to know me and my situation and I felt I could completely trust him. He helped me to see where I was and where I needed to get to and then detailed how this could happen. Everything was at my own pace and Iain was supportive throughout.
I left feeling really happy; I can't even explain it now but I felt like something had changed in me and found myself smiling and feeling really good about myself, a new confidence.
Iain's support didn't end there though, he phoned me to follow up on how I was doing, I believe he really cares about every individual he works with and that's a wonderful thing.
I would always recommend contacting Iain, even for a chat to see how he can help you, I am so glad that I did, I feel changed has happened and wouldn't hesitate to contact him again if I needed to in future.

Mrs L from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs L from The Avenue, Southampton

*I saw Iain twice for a longstanding issue I'd suffered with for many years - anxiety when going on holiday. I found Iain so approachable and understanding. I completely relaxed during the sessions and felt very calm when I left. I went on holiday 2 weeks after my final session with Iain and for the first time in many years had a great holiday, free from anxiety, the first of many. I am so grateful to Iain. Thank you.

Mr W from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr W from The Avenue, Southampton

*After 9 months of being housebound Iain helped me overcome my agoraphobia and panic disorder. Within the first appointment he helped me get outside and regain my life back. Iain is incredibly professional and caring. I strongly recommend him! He is brilliant.

Mrs H from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs H from The Avenue, Southampton

*I really needed to get help to give up smoking after so many failed attempts using different methods. I had an insight as to the block but wasn't sure how to overcome it. I spoke to Iain who was honest and up front with me. He booked me in very quickly! On our first meeting I was impressed at his quick and thorough analysis of me and my situation and the thought processes and cycles of behaviour I had become so familiar with. Very cleverly he worked out exactly how to attune the sessions to my own value base and help me re structure my thoughts and responses. The use of hypnotherapy was so beneficial and I left on the first occasion positive and mindful that I was a non smoker.
Iain helpfully kept in touch and offered support and I took up the opportunity of a reinforcement session where he also kindly helped me with another issue. Again I left feeling stronger positive and determined. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off me and am looking forward to a healthy future. Best decision I ever made!

Miss LP from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss LP from The Avenue, Southampton

*I highly recommend Iain from thoughtlounge. I recently visited Iain to see if he could help me with my eating disorder that I have been suffering with for over a year.  I have had two hypnotherapy sessions with Iain and I couldn't believe the difference and transformation in me after just the first one. Before meeting Iain I dreaded eating and the thought of eating was much more of a chore/burden than for pleasure or enjoyment. 

However now I feel like I am me again. I look forward to food which I never thought I'd be able to say, my life is no longer restricted e.g. attending social events like a Birthday meal. Both me and my mum are over the moon with the outcome from visiting Iain and I would highly recommend him to anyone suffering with a mental problem e.g. depression, anxiety etc. Iain is so understanding and I know he genuinely cares about my welfare both physically and mentally.
Thank you


Mr M from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr M from The Avenue, Southampton

*I contacted Iain for help with smoking cessation and with his assistance I easily became a non smoker. Iain provided an initial consultation to understand my needs and motivations behind smoking, followed by some unique hypnotherapy. I felt that he really understood the triggers to why I smoked and then tailored the session to fit. It is clear that he has a genuine passion for helping people and I certainly felt in safe hands.

Since the session I have breezed through all of my past smoking triggers and feel so much better. I cannot recommend him highly enough. I now feel totally free and have gained a lot as a person thanks to seeing Iain. Without a doubt, he is definitely the person to help you too!

Mrs F from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs F from The Avenue, Southampton

*I contacted Iain with regards to regression hypnotherapy, something that has always intrigued me. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, Iain was great in talking through what would happen and the possible outcomes. Iain made me feel incredibly relaxed and although I started the session not really thinking that I would experience any “past lives” it surprised me that I recalled two experiences before my time. The second experience was especially interesting, I could see pictures in my head of myself and others that I could describe in great detail, what they looked like, what they were wearing, names and dates and where I was working at the time. A little research from Iain after the session found links to names I had given that matched dates and places I had mentioned in the session. This was completely unexpected and something I found quite fascinating. I would definitely recommend Iain as someone who will make you feel at ease and help you with any questions or queries that you have regarding hypnotherapy.

Miss E from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss E from The Avenue, Southampton

I never ever ever write reviews but Iain definitely deserves one!

I've been suffering with anxiety for the past 4 years which effected me nearly every day, I couldn't even do the simplest tasks without feeling dizzy and sick!

One of my main issues is that I felt trapped in busy places ESPECIALLY supermarkets... I was very reluctant to seek help but I read the reviews for the thoughtlounge and thought even if it doesn't help, I couldn't feel any worse than I previously felt...

I emailed Iain and with in an hour I had a response asking about my issues and what I'd like to achieve, Iain made me feel so comfortable (even over email) that I booked in straight away for the same week that I contacted him!

I had a 2 hour session, the first hour was purely me talking about my issues, problems, worries so that Iain could try and understand where my anxiety comes from. I said that I feel dizzy and sick daily, (I mean to the point where I worry so much I feel like I'm going to be sick)... we talked through a lot and he wanted to help me mainly with my sickness and dizziness and to help me with things that I struggle to do daily. (I HATE supermarkets, I feel like once I'm in I'm trapped and cannot get out)

The next 45 minutes was the hypnotherapy. They say you may not be put into a trance and that everyone's different and I definitely thought I wouldn't be able to but I was WRONG! It was the most relaxing feeling in the world, when the hypnotherapy ended I felt like a different person!

I had 15 minutes left of my session and Iain thought the best move was to take me to a supermarket to see how I'd deal with it, I felt absolutely fine and so relaxed the whole way round, not only did he spend more than 2 hours with me he completely overwhelmed me with how sympathetic and caring he is! (Who would normally take the time to do this?!)

After the session, he has contacted me 2 times asking how I'm feeling and generally just having a chat!

Since my session, I've not felt sick once, it was such a big issue for me but since he explained why I was feeling sick, it's helped me 100%

I'm amazed at what one session has done, please if you're not sure about hypnotherapy and don't think it will work for you, contact Iain!!!

I couldn't recommend someone enough and I think my essay of a review proves that!

Thanks so much Iain!!!!!!!

Mrs J from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs J from The Avenue, Southampton

*Who would have thought that hypnotherapy could change my life within 2 hours, when I had been fighting anxiety, depression and self harm for nearly 18 months! Well that is just what happened after one session with Iain. It was incredible the turn around in my being and the light that returned to my eyes. That feeling of emptiness was gone. Iain's approach to my problems was quite clear when it was broken down so he was able to really focus on what was holding me back from living my life with happiness instead of despair. I am so grateful to Iain for putting me on the right path. I highly recommend a session for anyone with the same symptoms as me. It can change your life for the better. Don't hesitate.....Go for it!!!

Mr D from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr D from The Avenue, Southampton

*Who would have thought it?  I was a gambler for 35 years before I went to see Iain for hypnotherapy.  After just one session, I haven't thought about betting or been into a betting shop or looked at the racing pages since.  At the time I wasn't sure if I had even been hypnotised but, my new focus is not a coincidence as it has had such an effect on my life and I keep thinking about what I want.  Whatever you did worked, thank you. 

Mrs V from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs V from The Avenue, Southampton

*I went to see Iain about a few issues that I wondered if he could help me with. My 1st session was to help me with getting over my fear of driving on highways, which I have had an issue with for years. Honestly, I was sceptical. but Iain is one of the nicest, calmest people I have met. He immediately made me feel relaxed, and that I trusted him 100%. It worked!!! He gave me the tools to help me conquer my fear and I am over the moon. Our second session was about weightless, this is a work in progress. I initially went to see Iain about stopping smoking, but after much discussion, he explained, in order for these sessions to work, I need to really want for it to work. So.... when I feel I am 100% ready to stop, I will be going to see Iain again. I can't recommend Iain highly enough, he is the real deal.

Miss B from Hampshire

Miss B from Hampshire

*I found lain very helpful, after just two sessions I felt great! He helped me over come a few personal issues of mine. He was just such a huge help, very friendly and easy to talk to. I would highly recommend him!

Mr F from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr F from The Avenue, Southampton

*Thank you Iain !! I've been afraid of heights for a very long time, Iain helped me pinpoint all the events that compounded my fear and made them go away, simply amazing ! I was very sceptical as I felt normal so was very keen to see if he managed to cure my fear.
After my session Iain asked me to meet him out side of west-quay shopping centre we walked in and I calmly went up the escalators to costa where he bought me a coffee, I was always terrified of the glass lifts and absolutely could not go close to the railing, i was totally amazed that not only could I go up and down the glass lift we sat right by the glass looking down to the bottom and I felt great !!
Thanks again Iain I would highly recommend him

Mrs B from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs B from The Avenue, Southampton

*Meeting Iain is like meeting a friend and he is also incredibly professional. He puts you at ease instantly and I found him so easy to talk to about my eating disorder, I never felt judged. He did a thorough analysis and knew what was causing my problem. Our session was in a room that was very calming and comfortable and afterwards I was so relaxed that I yawned the whole way home. Iain rang me a couple of days later to see how I was coping and I was excited to tell him I was eating really well and had no hang ups anymore about it. He called again a week later to ensure I was still on the right road. It was comforting to know that there was someone there who’s rooting for you and won’t give up on you. I have no hesitation in recommending Iain to anyone who has a problem as he will change your life

Mrs K from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs K from The Avenue, Southampton

*Thank you Iain for helping me with my issues, after two sessions I am able to cope with everyday life, and have the confidence to do the things I have been avoiding for a very long time. Hypnotherapy with Iain has changed my life.

Miss T from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss T from The Avenue, Southampton

*I was anxious about seeing a hypnotherapist but now I just feel extremely grateful and lucky to have met Iain. He truly has a kind heart and does his best to help you get rid at your own pace of your (often unnecessary) pain and troubles. I've only had one session with him but I already feel its many positive affects. I love the fact that he genuinely cares about my well-being and not only sees me as a "client". In fact, for instance, after the session, he sent me emails with very supportive words and called me to know if I was feeling better.
I would highly recommend Mr Lightfoot to anyone who's tired of surviving instead of living. As he said, we're the sun and we deserve to shine!

Thanks again for everything and I'm looking forward to our next session.

Miss M from Home Visit, Southsea, Portsmouth

Miss M from Home Visit, Southsea, Portsmouth

*Anyone that knows me well would know that I have been petrified of spiders my whole life, more so since I had one crawling over me as I lay in bed one evening. When scared I have been unable to control my actions and would often run in the opposite direction with my heart racing. Even a picture of a spider would make me feel sick! I've been so embarrassed at times but I didn't realise anything or anyone could help.
This week a friend recommended Hypnotherapy @thought_lounge and I decided to take a chance because I really wanted to change. Iain was great and agreed to complete the session the following morning. He was very professional and although I was a little nervous, Iain was very understanding had me relaxed within moments.

Below is a photo of me after my hypnotherapy session with an eight legged friend who I managed to find, catch and safely put into the garden. Not the biggest of spiders, but I felt calm and I'm certain I could deal with a bigger spider. The crazy thing is that I'm actually smiling too!!!!!
I cannot recommend Iain @Thought_lounge enough because after an hour and an half session I am no longer living in fear of spiders and it has changed my life.
Thanks so much Iain.

Miss M from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss M from The Avenue, Southampton

*My session with Iain has been life changing, i have spent ten years of my life in and out of all kinds of different talking therapies and not getting anywhere, but one session of hypnotherapy with Iain and i feel like a new person. I am a sceptical person naturally and i was not 100% sure about hypnotherapy but it is without a doubt the best thing that i have ever done for myself, so if a sceptic like me has gained this much from it then i urge everyone to give it a try.

Mr D from The Avenue, Southampton

Mr D from The Avenue, Southampton

*Iain has changed my life, definitely one of my better decisions to start my therapy with Iain. My life has changed exponentially and I can finally see the real me.

Miss S from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss S from The Avenue, Southampton

*I have been terrified of injections and needles since I was a child. I contacted Iain so that I would be able to finally go travelling - the idea of vaccinations had terrified me so much I could never book anything!

I just managed to have 3 vaccinations in one sitting and will be travelling to South America this summer to start ticking off my bucket list. No panic attacks, no crying, no fainting...I couldn't believe it.

Thank you so much Iain for all of your help. I would recommend to anyone!

Mrs D from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs D from The Avenue, Southampton

*I've booked a session with Iain to my teenager daughter, who was showing signals of distress and often low mood. After that, she was more cheerful and making future plans. Over passed few weeks, she's still in control of her emotions, a big thanks to Iain for his much appreciated help!

Miss W from The Avenue, Southampton

Miss W from The Avenue, Southampton

*My hypnotherapy session for confidence/anxiety/performance went very well and helped me massively! I entered a modelling competition of which I was getting anxiety attacks at the training ALONE, and was on the verge of pulling out of the competition. As my boyfriend had been to Iain before, and helped him to stop smoking, I thought I would try it out. I am over the moon with the results, I got on that stage and did my catwalk along with 30 other competitors and I won 2 awards!!! I am so grateful and would not have been able to achieve this otherwise. Iain is friendly and easy to talk to which creates a very calm and comfortable environment. My friends and family have been to Iain a few times now for different reasons, and I will continue to visit him whenever I encounter new problems. Would definitely recommend! Thank you so so much Iain.

Mrs G from The Avenue, Southampton

Mrs G from The Avenue, Southampton

*After thinking for sometime about hypnotherapy and looking at all the websites that are on google I came across Iain.
From the moment that I entered the room for my first session I felt at ease, Iain is such a calming person.
I have now had three session and have come away feeling positive and extremely motivated .
I can not recommend Iain enough .

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