Lydford Gorge and The Bluebells - Hypnotic and Re-Energising

on Sun 8 May



Happy Monday, welcome to my weekly blog about life in general, hypnosis, hypnotherapy and everything in between.

This weekend was wonderfully warm and sunny in Devon which, is where I spent my time with family – it’s also somewhere that I lived for a great portion of my time whilst I was in the Navy and having spent so long there you would expect that there would be few places that I wouldn’t have visited before but, it seems that you would be wrong.  In fact, we went for the most wonderful walk in Lydford Gorge, a National Trust attraction just outside Tavistock.  I have included the link as it is highly recommended, with its scenic 3 mile walk with a tea-room half way around it has everything you’d expect from National Trust.  At the moment wild garlic, primroses and bluebells are in bloom and adds to the route.

On the Sunday, we enjoyed that walk so much we also went for a walk just outside Ivybridge and found the most wonderful bluebell wood – in fact I had not seen so many bluebells in one place, you see when people talk about a carpet of bluebells I can state that this was absolutely the case, in fact it was itself hypnotising in its beauty.

So why am I telling you this in my blog as a clinical hypnotherapist and coach?

Well, as I walked this weekend, although there was a lot of thinking time given to many subjects, there are two that I would like to share with you:

Firstly, sometimes we get focused on what we are doing in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget what is important, we forget what excites us and brings us energy.  I remembered how much I love walking in the wonderful Devon country side, on Dartmoor and by the coast that I wondered why it had been so long since I did some serious walking.  Afterwards, I again felt energised and relaxed, happy to have enjoyed the walk and seen such a wonderful magical woodland by and next to the gorge.

Secondly, few people know this about me but, I do love this time of year when the bluebells bloom and the woodland is a carpet of them – hypnotic!  Yet, this weekend I think that I have seen the most amazing array of bluebells that I have ever seen in my life.  It reminded me that, even though you may think you know what you know, there is always a different perspective and that things can surprise you when you take another look.

So, a couple of lessons – get out and re-energise yourself, do something that you really love doing and remember… whatever you think you know, change the way you view it and see a new perspective.

Have a great week and I look forward to catching up again next week.



Thanks to Wybren for the photograph of the gorge :-)


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