Positive Energy

Choosing Positivity
on Tue 2 Oct



Happy Tuesday to everyone!  It is a lovely Sunny day, albeit a little cooler than we have been used to here in Hampshire over recent months. Today I am going to talk about positive energy and the importance of developing a positive mind set.


It would appear that there is this great negative energy in the world which seems to want to pull us down at every moment. Where does this come from? How do we know if we are being negative and actually so what?


I am unsure of where this energy originates from but what I know is that it seems that it is there and causes people differing levels of problems from severe fatigue to mild irritation. Do you recognise the following signs:


  1. Complaining or commenting badly about every little thing?
  2. Blaming others for every problem in your life?
  3. Are you surrounded by people who are just as negative?
  4. Do you feel weak, drained by certain people regularly?
  5. Does life feel cluttered or that you don’t belong?


Of course these aren’t the only signs of negative energy – have a look at a group of people when they are ‘socialising’ i.e. in a restaurant, and you will see a great number looking and interacting with their mobiles. This is also a form of negative energy and one which is addictive and hypnotic!


There is good news, you do not need to feel this way and there are simple steps you can take to rid yourself of this influence.


  1. Do what you want to do – it’s your life – get rid of those people who bring you down.
  2. Improve the mind/body connection with exercise, sleep and nutrition.
  3. Create a space where you can improve the atmosphere and energy. Feng shui perhaps, candles, lighting, bright, colourful and airy, filled with positive affirmations. Enjoy the Sun!
  4. Eat less meat and dairy – plant based foods are said to have a positive effect on the body – I can vouch for this as I am Vegan but I wouldn’t sell this to you unless I believed the effect.
  5. Be aware of your thinking and meditate, bringing positive energy into your life, i.e. raising your inner vibrations. Do good deeds. Choose to be positive!


Sometimes we all fall foul of negative energy. Over the past number of years I have been more positive than at any other time in my life yet I do still let negativity into my life.  The battle is constant because this energy thrives in us.  Remember your passions, remember your vision and work towards it and with positive energy flowing, you are more likely to get your new reality. If you struggle to feel positive, contact me at thoughtlounge clinical hypnotherapy, I can help.


Have a wonderful week and look forward to living every positive moment.







Credit to Iqbal Osma for the image published under creative commons, flickr.com


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