Key to Success

Key to success with hypnotherapy
on Wed 29 Aug

Hello and good morning,


Hope that everyone has had a wonderful August – seems like the holiday season has finished and its now back to work and school.  I have been busy with writing for my thesis before I submit next month and of course taking a little time off to spend with family.  Although I recognise that it has been a while since I got a blog published, I know that it is better to write when there is something that you wish to say!


I came across an article on the BBC News Magazine about a young man (Lewis 13) who bought a fire engine with his pocket money.  Having saved all birthday and Christmas gifts along with any pocket money, he bought his pride and joy recently for £2000.  This engine is stored at the Fire Engine museum in Norfolk when Lewis is at school.


What I find wonderful about this story is the determination to succeed. Children do not see the barriers and have the self-limiting beliefs that adults have.  Some may say that children aren’t aware of the realistic way of the world and the challenges of goal setting and working towards success.  To this I say, ‘So what…’ Yes, I agree that a goal may be a tough thing to achieve and it may take years, hardships and determination. Yet, ‘so what?’ Why does this worry us? Why not allow your dreams and wishes to become a reality? Are you wanting to lose weight? Stop smoking? Visit far off lands for adventure but struggle because of flying? There a literally thousands of reasons why we tell ourselves we can’t do something on a daily basis.


Today, you, me, we… make a choice, do or do not. Make a decision and decide to go for it. Whatever you choose is out there. You simply work towards your goal. Work towards making your dream a reality. Yes, there will be difficulty; yes, there will be upsets; yes, you may feel like quitting often. This moment now, this moment which we live is THE most important moment in your life. Choose wisely what you spend time doing.  Why did I spend my time writing this blog? I wrote it because I know that someone is going to be helped by reading it. Someone will be able to achieve their dream because they finally feel that they have the ability to overcome a belief.  


It may be buying a fire engine or it could be stopping smoking. Whatever you are going to achieve, enjoy the benefits and feeling of success when you get there. If you need support during the journey, I am here and waiting to help.


My best wishes,




The full video article is below, enjoy it here:


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