Thoughtlounge Uses Virtual Reality To Support Treatments

on Wed 4 Oct


Hello and welcome to a special, and particularly important blog.


In a few short days I will be introducing a new element into a number of my therapy treatments. For those that don’t wish to continue reading until the end, I am introducing a virtual reality aspect in order to provide clients with a much greater confidence that their therapy has been successful post session. This makes thought a UK leader in therapy provision utilising virtual reality. In fact, the virtual reality and therapy package that is been supplied to the company can be used stand-alone without hypnosis, however, I stand by the fact that hypnosis can be the quickest and most reliable way to eliminate or reduce a number of different types of presenting issue. More about what scenarios will be available a little later on in this blog.


The story starts when I was invited to a networking event. As a part of the entertainment a virtual reality setup was available. Of course initially I was adamant that I wasn’t really that interested but of course as my curiosity got the better of me I decided to give it a go. Phew, I am so glad I did. 


The first scenario in the VR that I experienced was a shoot them up game based on the future, utilising lasers to prevent rogue robots from taking over the spaceport. As a type of immersive gaming I was absolutely blown away by the sophistication and the total immersion for the player, it really was very good indeed. At that point it by began to think about the therapeutic application. The next scenario allowed me to test out one such potential


I found myself on the streets of New York was standing there watching the people go by and listening to the sound of the traffic and the sounds of the city, again I got that immersive feeling. The next thing in the scenario was to enter a lift, push the button and arrive on any one of a number of floors. Of course the one I did was visiting the top floor. The sooner you arrive at the top floor the lift music stops and the doors open and you find yourself goodness knows how any stories up in the air, a plank sticking out from the lift. The idea is that you overcome what your senses are telling you and you walk out onto the plank. Easy?



Only one person in the evening managed it!  Although in the back of your mind you know that the floor is actually there, it’s very very difficult to override what your eyes and your ears are telling you. The adrenaline begins to flow, heartbeats faster and respiration increases. I don’t think there was anybody who tried that scenario who wasn’t perspiring. A very real experience. I spent the next week doing some research on the availability of virtual reality the therapy use. 


I’m pleased to say that in the next few days I will be to offer virtual reality and augmented reality in order to help clients further. Imagine a scenario where a client can test out their newfound normality straightaway after the treatment, starting with an easier scenario and then getting what would be considered tougher. There were two uses which sprang to mind immediately for me, a fear of flying and a fear of public speaking. I’m pleased to say that there are so many more uses and scenarios that I will be offering, in fact I’m going to list them below:


  • Acrophobia - fear of heights - we will be able to test it out utilising high-rise cityscapes, cliffs, balconies, ferris wheels and elevators.
  • Claustraphobia – fear of enclosed spaces – MRI scanner, lift, rooms both large and small.
  • Fear of flying - from taxi to the airport to landing.
  • Fear of spiders / dogs / cats / pigeons / cockroaches
  • Social Anxiety
  • Fear of Darkness
  • Fear of Needles
  • Generalised Anxiety
  • Agoraphobia – fear of crowds and open spaces
  • Fear of public speaking – from the office to the boardroom, or even broadcasted speaking.
  • OCD – around toilets and germs
  • Fear of driving and nervous passengers


There are also some amazing de-stress, relaxation and mindfulness (even lessons in how to be mindful) scenarios available too – Could you imagine being on a paradise-like island for 10-20 minutes.  Take a virtual holiday and relax during the lunch break! How refreshed would you be?


It’s an exciting time, bringing a whole new capability to hypnotherapy and change.  I’m not sure if you’re aware I do have a mission and vision, I also have a promise.  I believe in continual professional development and I have been making investments in technology, media and search in order to remain at the forefront of hypnotherapy developments.  I believe that this leap into VR is simply another part of this continual learning process.


I’m sure that I’ll be telling you much more about virtual reality and augmented reality in the very near future.  If you wish to book an appointment to eliminate or alleviate any presenting issue, then please do get in contact with me for a confidential talk, a consultation or to book an appointment.


Best wishes




My promise is straightforward and simple:

 "I will do everything I can to make real, lasting, and sustainable change in as few sessions as is needed."


My vision is:

"Remain the number 1 provider of Hypnotherapy and Coaching in Southampton, and become the number 1 hypnotherapist across the whole of Hampshire."


My Mission therefore is to:

"Provide every client with the very best hypnotherapy and coaching change experience by delivering the best care and treatments available.  Clients will be fully supported and treated with respect, in confidence and I will place their needs first."


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